Burn Injuries
Backyard Fire Pits: Burn Risks & Prevention Tips
Posted in Burn Injuries
Many people have fire pits at their homes and use them while entertaining. Gathering around an open fire to talk or roast S’mores can be a lot of fun, but it is important that you know the rules and risks associated with backyard fire pits. According to the Consumer Products… Continue reading
The Kitchen Stove: A Major Cause of Burn and Scald Injuries
Posted in Burn Injuries
Two years ago, a friend told me a story no parent wants to tell. A pot of water was put on the stove to boil. His daughter was able to reach the pot handle. In an instant, she grabbed the handle and hot water poured down and scalded her. Since… Continue reading
The Car’s on Fire: Tips for Reacting and Responding to a Vehicle Fire
Posted in Burn Injuries
Imagine driving home from work and seeing smoke rising from beneath your car’s hood. You pull off the road and into a nearby parking lot. You call your spouse to say there is a problem with the car and within seconds, the car erupts in flames. Luckily, you exited the… Continue reading
Allergic Reaction to Medications Can Cause Tissue Damage Similar to Burns
Posted in Burn Injuries
Transfer to a Burn Center is a critical need for patients with toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), or Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS), a related condition, because both damage the skin in much the same way as a topical or deep tissue burn. These blister-causing conditions are related to underlying infections or allergic… Continue reading
Burn Injuries: Statistics, Classifications, & Causes
Posted in Burn Injuries, Injury Law
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 1.1 million people suffer burn injuries that require medical attention every year in the United States. Approximately 50,000 of these burn victims require hospitalization and 20,000 suffer major burns covering 25% of their body surface. Roughly 4,500 burn victims die annually as… Continue reading