- The Role of NJ’s Chancery Division in Administering Justice Beyond Monetary Damages
June 26, 2024
What is the Chancery Division? What does equitable relief mean? These are among the many questions posed by litigants facing either a claim filed in the Chancery Division or seeking legal assistance for complex claims seeking relief that is not always monetary. As a former law clerk to a Presiding Judge of the Chancery Division ...
- The Crucial Importance of Updating Documents After Divorce
November 20, 2023
Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience, leaving individuals with numerous legal and personal matters to resolve. Amidst all the turmoil, it is vital for people to understand the significance of updating beneficiaries on various accounts and financial instruments. Failing to update beneficiaries after a divorce is over can have serious consequences, as ...
- Alimony and Cohabitation in Pennsylvania
June 16, 2014
The law in Pennsylvania states that no spouse is entitled to receive an award of alimony where the spouse, subsequent to the divorce pursuant to which the alimony is being sought, has entered into cohabitation with a person of the opposite sex who is not a member of the spouse’s family within the degrees of ...
- What is considered “marital property” in a Pennsylvania Divorce?
May 5, 2010
Pennsylvania Law starts with the presumption that all real or personal property acquired by either party during the marriage is marital property regardless of how it is titled. Marital property also includes the increase in value (during the course of the marriage) of any non-marital property. The Court is thus more concerned with when ...